Jharkhand State Forest Development Corporation Ltd. was created on 23rd March 2002 under Companies Act,1956 vide resolution no. 1357 dated 23.03.2002. The Company is fully owned by Jharkhand State Government. It is registered under Companies Act,1956 and is a public undertaking of the State Government.
The state of Jharkhand has a unique relation with forest since ancient times. The word ‘Jharkhand' connotes ‘area of land covered with forests'. Therefore, literally as well as symbolically, Jharkhand is associated with forests. Various ethnic groups such as Munda, Oraon, Ho, Santhal, Paharia, Chero, Birjea, Asura and other have influenced their ecosystems by varying practices of agro-pastoralism over the years. Traditionally, these indigenous people have symbiotic relations with forests. Local festivals like Sarhul and Karma are customarily related with worshipping of trees. Jharkhand State Forest Development Corporation Ltd. provides livelihood opportunities to the villagers in very lean period (when no livelihood scope is available in villages).More than 50% of wages/livelihood goes to women of accessible villages.
Jharkhand State Forest Development Corporation Ltd. generate a turnover of ₹156 crores. It is giving incentives of ₹30 crore to more than 1.38 lakh Primary Collectors engaged in NTFP collection for the year 2015-16. This figure will increase for next year. Jharkhand State Forest Development Corporation Ltd. harvest and market, timber worth ₹7.00 crores. Jharkhand State Forest Development Corporation Ltd. also offers opportunity to business houses to do value addition in :-
Collection and marketing of Kendu Leaves with the help of Kendu Patti Sangrahak Samitis of primary collectors registered under Society registration Act,1860.Sale of timber obtained from felling of trees from the forest land diverted for non forestry purposes under F. C. Act and specified timber from private land.
Manufacture and sale of bamboo made articles like incense sticks, furnitures,Production of Mahulan Leave Plates etc.